
lunedì 16 dicembre 2013


Era qualche giorno che non aggiornavo il blog tra lo studio ed altri impegni... Ho deciso quindi di pubblicare un mix di foto che descrivono questi giorni. 

It was a few days I did not update the blog between the study and other commitments... So I decided to publish a mix of photos that describe these days.

In this picture there are some sketches done in these days.


The wardrobe of Carrie, a dream. The picture was posted only in reference to fashion but because these days I watch the film. Last Monday on a TV channel they transmit the final episodes of the series of Sex and The City and it is always exciting to see them again, so I felt like to watch movies too. It must be said that the TV series I've seen so many times now that you know the scene by heart. I love Carrie, and Sarah Jessica Parker is one of my icons.

Sarah Jessica Parker as Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and The City- Il Film 2.

At a party... Like PROM.

Mix of sweets.

On Sunday morning, wakes up, direction to the Mall and lunch out with my mom. In this photo I'm  wearing my new sunglasses Saraghina Eyewear, given to me by my boyfriend.

Cupcake with chocolate cream and smarties.

Me and Cloe with striped scarf and pom poms. She is in very Christmas time.

Oreo, such as macarons, goodness.

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  1. Thanks for checking out my blog, I am your follower on GFC.
